Patti Lewis
Media Specialist and Technology Coordinator
Wilson Elementary School
Mrs. Lewis has been working with students for 16 years.  She began her career in a public pre-school program in Northwest School District, Cincinnati, Ohio. Soon after that she became a library assistant while earning a degree in Information Technology from the University of Cincinnati and completing a Masters in Library and Information Science from Kent State University. Her multi-age teaching credentials are from the Teacher Education Department in the College of Education and Human Services, Wright State University. She has been working as a Media Specialist and Technology Coordinator in Forest Hills, a Cincinnati suburban school district, for the past four years. Her continued education has been focused on teacher collaboration and new technologies. She loves teaching students’ information, media and technology literacy, and connecting these to all content areas. Outside interests include traveling, power walking, gardening and her family dog. She received the Friend of Children award in 2000 and is a member of the Ohio Educational Library Media Association and American Association of School Librarians. Mrs. Lewis contributed to the Middle School Math Room.