Lorrie Halblaub
Intervention/Library Media Specialist
Danbury High School
Teaching for 22 years at one of the smallest schools in the state causes a person to wear many hats.  Lorrie has been an Intervention Specialist at Danbury High School for grades 7-12 and is also the part-time librarian. Lorrie received her Bachelor of Science in English with a minor in Special Education from The Ohio State University in 1972. She started teaching Special Education at Perkins High School in Sandusky and went on to teach Adult Basic Education before taking the position at Danbury. In 1999, she received her Master of Library Science from Kent State University and has helped in the school library ever since. Lorrie has been published several times in School Library Media Activities Monthly Magazine and has presented ideas for collaboration between teachers and librarians at the Ohio SchoolNet (eTech) Conference. She keeps busy leading a grassroots movement to start a public library in her community. Lorrie contributed to the High School Economics Room.